국립수산과학원 수산자원연구부 연근해자원과, 1한국해양과학기술원 해양순환기후연구부, 2국립수산과학원 기후환경연구부 기후변화연구과
The chub mackerel Scomber japonicus is the most important commercial species caught primarily by large purse seine fisheries. The effective management of chub mackerel resources requires a thorough understanding of the current stock status and the factors driving its fluctuations. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) is a crucial index representing the relative abundance of resources, and CPUE standardization was applied using a generalized linear model and generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). This study adopted various explanatory variables including spatiotemporal factors of Year, Month and Area (spatial clustering), and environmental factors of seawater temperature at a depth 50 m ((T50) and Tsushima Warm Current transport (TWC) and catch ratio of chub mackerel (Ratio). The GLMM, which incorporates random effects, was identified as the optimal model. Ratio had the most significant effect on the CPUE, and environmental and spatio-temporal factors had significant influences. Although the nominal CPUE showed an increasing trend across different areas, the standardized CPUE either decreased or exhibited a decreasing rate of increase. These findings serve as fundamental data for stock assessment and contribute to the spatiotemporal and environmentally informed management of chub mackerel resources in Korean waters.
Chub mackerel, CPUE, Standardization, Spatio-temporal factors, Environmental factors