OPEN ACCESS plSSN : 0374-8111 | elSSN : 2287-8815
OPEN ACCESS plSSN : 0374-8111elSSN : 2287-8815
HOME Journal Information Instructions for Authors
Enacted in 31 March 1988, mostly revised in 16 March 2020

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Korean J Fish Aquat Sci, KFAS) publishes papers on scientific research, and papers are selected based on scientific competence and the significance of the knowledge or ideas presented. Subjects appropriate for KFAS would include, but not necessarily be limited to, the broad range of scholarly contributions and the basic and applied scientific research in the area of aquaculture, aquatic life and environments, fisheries and seafood sciences. Only manuscripts written in Korean are accepted. KFAS follows an open access journal policy. All contents of KFAS are freely available online. Digital files can be read, downloaded, and printed without paying a fee.

Manuscripts for submission to “Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Korean J Fish Aquat Sci)" should be prepared according to the following instructions.
Research and Publication Ethics
Research published in KFAS must have been conducted in accordance with institutional, national, and inter-national guidelines concerning the use of animals in research and/or the sampling of endangered species. For the policies on research and publication ethics that are not stated in these instructions, the Guidelines on Good Publication Practice can be applied (available from: Please include at the end of the acknowledgments a declaration that the experiments complied with the current laws of the country in which the experiments were performed. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements.
1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;
2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
3. Final approval of the version to be published;
4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Conflict of Interest Statement
The corresponding author must inform the editor of any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the authors’ interpretation of the data. Examples of potential conflicts of interest are financial support from or connections to pharmaceutical companies, political pressure from interest groups, and academically related issues. In particular, all sources of funding applicable to the study should be explicitly stated.
Originality and Duplicate Publication
No part of the accepted manuscript should be duplicated in any other scientific journal without the permission of the Editorial Board. If duplicate publication related to the papers of this journal is detected, the authors will be announced in the journal, their institutes will be informed, and the authors will be penalized.
Research Misconduct
As the decision of research misconduct for the published original article, the editorial board of the journal shall take the following Sanctions.
1. The article will be permanently deleted.
2. Authors are prohibited from submitting articles for at least three years.
3. Cases of misconduct will be reported to the author(s)'s institution.
4. The facts and reasons for retraction of the original article will be specified, disclosed and recorded.
5. Retracted articles should remain in the public domain and be clearly labelled as retracted.
6. Cases of misconduct will be reported to the foundation including the result of discussion by the committee on publication ethics.
7. Cases of misconduct will be reported to the funding agencies for the article written with the financial supports.
Submission of Manuscript
The submission and review process of KFAS is handled electronically on the website ( The manuscript should be submitted in an MS Word file format (DOC or DOCX). The recommended font is 12-point Times New Roman. Send any questions concerning manuscript submission to: The office of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
Peer Review & Revision for Manuscripts Process
Peer Review
A manuscript is generally reviewed by at least three peer reviewers qualified to evaluate the manuscript. An initial decision will normally be made within one month of receipt of a manuscript. However, the reviewing process will normally take longer, depending on the length of the manuscript and reviewer's responses. A manuscript which has been published or of which a substantial portion has been published elsewhere will not be accepted. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for final decisions regarding the acceptance of a peer-reviewed paper.
Revision for Manuscript
When a manuscript is returned to the corresponding author for revision, the reviewed manuscript must be re-submitted within three months. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within a month of the editorial decision is regarded as a withdrawal.
A galley proof and reprint order form will be sent to the corresponding author. The first proofreading is the author's responsibility, and the proof should be returned within one week from the date of receipt. The manuscript, tables, and illustrations will be discarded after editorial use unless their return is requested.
Publication Type
General Requirements
There is no fixed maximum length for full-length papers, but they should be as concise as possible. All sections of the typescript should be on one side of A4 paper (210×297 mm) and double-spaced lines, and all pages must be numbered in order. Manuscripts should be submitted in Korean.
Original Article
Original research articles are full scientific reports of original research. The most desirable organization of the manuscript is as follows: Title Page, Abstract & Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables and Figure Legends. The Results and Discussion may be combined.
Notes differ from research articles on the basis of scope, not quality. Notes are printed in essentially the same format as full articles but are shorter and of narrower scientific focus. Notes should have no more than four tables or figures. The manuscript organization for a note basically follows that of an original article but some sections may be combined as necessary.
Review Article
Review articles provide objective synthesis of a subject of importance in fisheries and aquatic sciences. reviews should not simply summarize knowledge but should strive to interpret that knowledge and provide sound conclusions based on the available literature. Authors wishing to prepare a review article should contact the Editor-in-Chief to discuss the suitability of the subject for the journal. Manuscripts include a title page (with a running head), abstract and key words, text, references, tables, and figures. There is no specific requirement for subsections of the body text of the paper.
Short Communication
Short communications are brief reports of new observations, concepts, or methodologies. Communications should contain no more than two tables or figures. There is no specific requirement for subsections of the body text of the paper.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscript Format
Title and Abstract
This should include (1) the full title of the paper; (2) the full names of all the authors with the author to whom correspondence should be directed indicated by an asterisk symbol (*); (3) the name(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) at which the work was carried out, and the affiliations of all authors and their institutions, departments, or organizations indicated by superscript lower case letters (the present address of the authors, if different from the above, should appear in a footnote); (4) the name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the authors to whom all correspondence and proofs should be sent; (5) a suggested running title of no more than 50 characters, including spaces; (6) the abstract should be a clear, concise summary giving scope and purpose, methods or procedures, significant new results, and conclusions and should state the objectives and present salient conclusions in no more than 200 words; (7) five or fewer keywords for indexing purposes.

Main text
All papers should be divided into the following sections and appear in the order: (1) Introduction: the paper begins with an introduction, and this section includes the background and objectives, together with the review of significant prior works (2) Materials and Methods: the description of the ex¬perimental section should be brief, but adequate for repetition of the work by a qualified operator. The manufacturer and model number should be stated in this section, for example, as Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA) (3) Results: in research papers this section should be a description of what was found, with appropriate Tables and Figures (if there is a series of steps in an investigation, the author may find it conve¬nient to present the text under a number of sub-headings) (4) Discussion: The Results and Discussion may be combined (5) Acknowledgments: contributions to the article that do not merit co-authorship, such as administrative support, technical assistance, critical re¬views of the manuscript, and financial support, should be recognized here. The acknowledgements section is optional and can be placed at the end of the main text before the references.

References cited in the text should appear parenthetically following the name(s) and the year of the source of information. If there are more than three authors, "et al." should be used after the first author. Please note the following examples. (Kim, 1990); (Park and Lee, 1994); (James et al., 1992); (Lee et al., 1993; James and Andrew, 1994; Kang et al., 1995). Bibliographic references should include, in the following order: author's name, year, article or chapter title, journal or book title, editor(s) (book only), volume or edition number, name and address of publisher (book only), and first and last page numbers. Citations in the References should be listed in alphabetical order. Journal names should be abbreviated in accordance with the ISO 4 standard ( Multiple references to the same author should appear in the following order: single author, chronologically: two authors, alphabetically by second author; three or more authors, chronologically. If there is more than one paper published in the same year by the same author or team of authors, a, b, c, etc. should be added to the year both in the text and in the list of references.
Examples of references are given below:
Journal article
Kim BY, Lee YK and Park DB. 2012. Metabolic activity of desalted ground seawater of jeju in rat muscle and human liver cells. Fish Aquat Sci 15, 21-27.
Heu MS, Park SH, Kim HS, Jee SJ, Lee JH, Kim HJ, Han BW and Kim JS. 2007. Improvement on the functional properties of Gomtang-like product from salmon frame using commercial enzymes. J Korea Soc Food Sci Nutr 36, 1596-1603. 1596.

Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 2006. Official Methods of Analysis. 18th ed. Association of Of-ficial Analytical Chemists, Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A.

Book section
Randall DJ, Brauner CJ and Neuman JF. 1996. Water chemistry at the gill surfaces of fish and the uptake of xenobiotics. In: Toxicology of Aquatic Pollution: Physiological, Molecular and Cellular Approaches. Taylor EW, ed. Cambridge University Press, London, U.K., 1-16.
Rombough PJ. 1988. Respiratory gas exchange, aero¬bic metabolism, and effects of hypoxia during early life. In: Fish Physiology. Hoar WS and Randall DJ, eds. Academy Press, New York, NY, U.S.A., 59-161.

Online document
MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries). 2010. Statistical database for fisheries production. Korea National Statistical Office, Daejeon, Korea. Retrieved from on Feb 6, 2011.

Conover JT and Sieburth JN. 1966. Effect of tannins excreted from Phaeophyta on planktonic animal survival in tide pools. In: Proceedings of the 5th Interna¬tional Seaweed Symposium. Young EG and McLachlan JL, eds. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K., 99-100.
Maita T, Aoki H, Tanaka S, Shimizu Y, Yamagata Y and Watanabe T. 1995. Abstr Annu Meet Jpn Soc Sci Fish 1-36.

Kutty MN. 1996. Some studies on the respiratory quotient in goldfish and rainbow trout. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Tables and Figures:
Tables and Figures should be prepared on separate sheets. Tables require a heading and Figures a legend, also prepared on a separate sheet. For the reproduction of figures, only good drawing and original photographs can be accepted. Color and black and white photographs must be produced at 600 dpi or higher, and line drawings must be produced with higher resolution (600 dpi or higher). Photographs must be of sufficient contrast to withstand the inevitable loss of contrast and detail during the printing process. If a figure is to be reduced, all elements, including labels, should be able to withstand reduction and remain legible. It should be of sufficient size so that after photoreduction to a single columnwidth (8 cm), the size of the smallest letter should be 2 mm. Electron and light microscopic figures must be original or scanned copies from the original. The magnification should be indicated on each micrograph with a scale bar. All photographs and illustrations must accompany the manuscript, preferably mounted on separate sheets with the author's name and title of the paper on the back of each photograph or sheet. Color plates can be accommodated in the journal, but authors will be charged the full cost for their inclusion.
Nomenclature and Unit
Scientific Names
The full formal scientific name for a taxon (e.g., Homo sapiens) should be provided the first time that the taxon is mentioned, and should be italicized. In subsequent sentences, the same genus should be abbreviated to the first initial of the generic name with the full species name (e.g., H. sapiens), except where this usage creates confusion or ambiguity. When common names are used, the scientific name should be provided the first time the taxon is mentioned in the abstract, and again the first time that taxon is mentioned in the main manuscript (e.g., "olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus"). Other taxonomic designations (e.g., family names) should not be italicized, and common names should not be capitalized.
Units and Equations
Standard metric units are used for describing length, height, weight, and volume. The unit of temperature should be given in degrees Celsius (°C). All others should be in terms of the International System of Units (SI). All units must be preceded by one space except %, °C, °, ‘, “, +, -, × and ÷. All equations should be numbered in Arabic numerals.
Abbreviations and Statistics
Abbreviations must be used as an aid to the reader, rather than as a convenience of the author, and therefore their use should be limited. Generally, avoid abbreviations that are used fewer than 3 times in the text, including tables and figure legends. In addition to abbreviations for SI units, common molecular, chemical, immunological, and hematological terms can be used without definition in the title, abstract, text, tables and figure legends, e.g., bp, kb, kDa, DNA, cDNA, RNA, mRNA, PCR. Other common abbreviations are as follows (the same abbreviations are used for plural forms): h (hour; use 0-24:00 hr for time), s (second), min (minute), day (not abbreviated), week (not abbreviated), month (not abbreviated), year (not abbreviated), L (liter), mL (milliliter), μL (microliter), g (gram), kg (kilogram), mg (milligram), μg (microgram), ng (nanogram), pg (picogram), g (gravity; not × g), n (sample size), SD (standard deviation of the mean), SE (standard error of the mean). Precisely describe the methods of statistical analysis, computer programs, and associated significance levels. P-values should be described as P<0.05.
Accepted Manuscript
Page Proofs
Authors will be given an opportunity to review the laser printed version of their manuscripts before printing. One set of page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. The review should be solely dedicated to detecting typographical errors.
Publication charge
The current charge for publication is 60,000 Korean Won per page with acknowledgment or 50,000 Korean Won per page without acknowledgment. The reprint cost is 30,000 Korean Won per additional 20 copies. For color printings is 100,000 Korean Won per color page is charged to authors regardless of the membership. There is no review fee, and the authors must pay the publication fee after acceptance.
Fast-track Publication
A fast-track process is available for authors who desire quick publication of their papers. Authors should contact the Editorial Office (e-mail: for fast-track submission.
For fast-track publication, the charge for publication is 60,000 Korean Won per page. There is no review fee, and the authors must pay the publication fee after acceptance.