국립수산과학원 동해수산연구소, 1경상국립대학교 해양생명과학과
This study evaluated the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-enriched Artemia nauplii on the survival, growth, fatty acid composition, antioxidant capacity and growth-related hormone level of walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus larvae. Fifty days after hatching, pollock larvae (average total length: 17.8 mm) were fed Artemia enriched with four different levels of EPA, with total fatty acid content of 10.48% (D1), 12.28% (D2), 23.20% (D3), and 31.20% (D4), for 4 weeks. At the end of the feeding trial, survival of the fish in the D4 group was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the D1 group. However, EPA-enriched Artemia did not significantly affect larval survival. The activity of superoxide dismutase, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-1 in the whole body was not significantly affected by EPA levels in Artemia. Our findings suggest that EPA-enriched Artemia with a total fatty acid content of 31.20% enhances the survival of walleye pollock larvae.
Artemia, Eicosapentaenoic acid, Survival, Walleye pollock, Larvae